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Band in a Box ® Pro + RealBand 2025 oppilaitosversio SLBBP LABPAK5 5 luokkakäyttäjää
Hinta alk.299.00 €
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Mac versio | 299.00 € | 1 kpl |
PC versio | 299.00 € | 1 kpl |

- Band-in-a-Box® 2025
5 KÄYTTÄJÄN labpak: Pro 2025 Lab Pak SLBBP RealBand 2024
- Pro RealCombos: Over 500 RealTracks instruments in over 200 Bands!
- 54 MIDI SuperTracks
- Over 750 MIDI Styles
- Over 100 MIDI Soloists
- Over 60 MIDI Melodists
- 22 Artist Performances
- Over 1,000 Loops
- Band-in-a-Box® 2025
Band in a box Pro Windows tietokoneelle. Mukana RealTracks Pro ohjelma.
Band-in-a-Box® Pro RealCombos: Over 500 RealTracks instruments in over 200 bands (RealStyles)
"RealCombos" are a band of RealTracks in the same style. For example, the Jazz Swing 140 RealCombo includes 5 Real Instruments (Bass, Piano, Guitar, Sax, and Drums) that play at a medium swing 140 bpm tempo. RealCombos can be played at ANY tempo, but sound best near the listed tempo (which they were originally recorded at).
RealStyles/RealCombos new to Band-in-a-Box® 2022 Pro are marked with *2023*.Country
- Boom Chick Joe Solo 85(_BCJOS85)Demo
- Crease Americana Pop(_CREASE)Demo
- Prate 12-8 Slow Americana(_PRATE)Demo
- Dawning Tamb Americana Soul(_DAWNING)Demo
- Fond 12-8 Americana(_FOND)Demo
- Grinner Bluegrass with Washboard(_GRINNER)Demo
- Slow Americana Waltz(_USASLO)Demo
- Greaser Rockabilly Swing(_GREASER)Demo
- Frontman Show Rockabilly Swing(_FRONT)Demo
- Haunts Creeping 12-8 Country(_HAUNTS)Demo
- Whimsical Piano Country Waltz(_WHIMSY)Demo
- Son Montuno and Country Fusion(_MONTANO)Demo
- Waltz Fingerpicking Duo(_WALZDUO)Demo
- Traditional Celtic Reel(_TRADCRL)Demo
- Nashville Fingerstyle Duo(_NASHDUO)Demo
- Uptempo Pop Waltz Piano Mandolin(_FSPWLZ4)Demo
- Weaving World Latin Bluegrass(_WEAVE)Demo
- Outside Classic Rockabilly Swing(_OUTSIDE)Demo
- Easy-Going Acoustic Country(_EASY)Demo
- Denim Slow Americana 12-8(_DENIM)Demo
- Acoustic Country w/ Pedal Steel (_ACCNTRY) Demo
- Crossover Style (_ALLI_GR) Demo
- Arabian Loops w/ Electric Guitar (_ARABIAN) Demo
- Old Time Bluegrass Band (_BGBAND8) Demo
- Old Time Bluegrass Band w/ Soloists (_BGMEDLY) Demo
- Bluegrass w/ Shaker (_BGSHAKR) Demo
- Fast Bluegrass (_BG_BAND) Demo
- Fast Bluegrass w/ Banjo Solo (_BG_BDBS) Demo
- Bluegrass Quartet (_BLUGRAS) Demo
- Classic Bluegrass w/ Fiddle (_BLUGRSF) Demo
- Classic Bluegrass w/ Mandolin (_BLUGRSM) Demo
- Bollywood Loops, Electric Guitar (_BOLLYWD) Demo
- Country Rock Guitar Solo, Pop Band (_BRSOLC3) Demo
- Country Ballad w/ Pedal Steel (_CBALAD2) Demo
- Celtic Reel (_CLTREEL) Demo
- Campfire, Medium Strumming (_CMPFMDS) Demo
- Campfire, Hank 2 Guitars (_CMPFMH2) Demo
- Campfire, Hank Medium Fingerpicking (_CMPFMHF) Demo
- Campfire, Hank Medium Strumming (_CMPFMHS) Demo
- Campfire, 2 Medium Strumming (_CMPFMS2) Demo
- Country Swing w/ Acoustic Guitar & Pedal Steel (_CSWINGA) Demo
- Country Swing Solo Acoustic Piano (_CSWMSAJ) Demo
- Country Medium-Fast w/ Acoustic Fingerpicking (_CSWNGM2) Demo
- Country Swing Medium-Fast (_CSWNGMD) Demo
- Country Swing Slow Solo Acoustic Piano (_CSWSSAJ) Demo
- Country Swing Quintet (_CTSWING) Demo
- Country Waltz w/ Piano Swing (_CWALTZP) Demo
- Medium Country Waltz w/ Piano (_CWALZMP) Demo
- Country Waltz Fast Solo Acoustic Piano (_CWZFSAJ) Demo
- Country Waltz Slow Solo Acoustic Piano (_CWZSSAJ) Demo
- Med Country Swing 1 w/ Pedal Steel (_HANKPS) Demo
- Med Country Swing 2 w/ Pedal Steel (_HANKPS1) Demo
- Classic Country Swing - Ballad (_HKSRGP) Demo
- Country Pop w/ Dreamy Guitar (_POPOMED) Demo
- Praise & Worship Pop Shining (_SHINING) Demo
- Nash Rock w/ Resonator Guitar (_TOBY) Demo
- Atmosphere Chillout (_ATMSPH3) Demo
- 3 Guitar Country Rock (_CTRYROK) Demo
- Melodic Country Waltz (_MELWALZ) Demo
- Midnight Folk w/ Brushes (_MIDNITE) Demo
- Songwriter Fingerstyle Duo (_SNGWDUO) Demo
- Triple-Time Western Waltz (_WESTWLZ) Demo
- Improvised Half-Time Folk (_IMPROV) Demo
- Crooner Big Band w/ Sticks(_CROONR3)Demo
- Manic Minstrel Gypsy Swing(_MANIC)Demo
- Tumbadora Congas Jazz Swing(_TUMBA)Demo
- Steppin' Even Soul Jazz w Piano(_STEPPIN)Demo
- Bonito Half-Time Modern Bossa(_BONITO)Demo
- Cool It Half-Time Jazz Swing(_COOL_IT)Demo
- Conga Tumbadora Fast Jazz Swing(_DORA)Demo
- Blazz Blues and Jazz w Sax Solo(_BLAZZ)Demo
- Gridlock Half-Time Bebop w Solo(_GRIDLOK)Demo
- Classic Jazz Quintet w/ Clarinet Solo(_JAZCLAR)Demo
- McCoy Bossa Quartet (_B140GAS) Demo
- Bossa Brazil Quartet (_B140_AS) Demo
- Latin Brazilian Bossa (_B140_BD) Demo
- Contemporary Med Bossa (_B140_GB) Demo
- Jazz Ballad w/ Piano & Fred Guitar (_BALFRED) Demo
- Medium Bossa Band w/ Piano & Nylon Guitar (_BNGGRMD) Demo
- Jazz Piano Trio, Bossa To Swing (_BOS2SWG) Demo
- Bossa Soloist MultiStyle (_BOSMLT+) Demo
- Bossa w/ Guitar (_BOSSAG) Demo
- Bossa Guitar Trio (_BOSSAGT) Demo
- Bossa Nylon Quartet Even (_BOSSANQ) Demo
- Bossa w/ Piano (_BOSSAP) Demo
- Bossa Piano Trio (_BOSSAPT) Demo
- Bossa Medium w/ Alto Sax Solo (_BOSSAXS) Demo
- Bossa Piano Trio w/ Conga (_BOSSCON) Demo
- Son Montuno w/ Bossa Drums (_BOSSONM) Demo
- Modern Groove Soloist, Brit Rock Ev.16 (_DRVBRTS) Demo
- Gypsy Jazz Fast w/ Conga (_GYPSYCN) Demo
- Gypsy Jazz Fast (_GYPSYJF) Demo
- Jazz Fred w/ Clarinet (_J140CLS) Demo
- Jazz Swing w/ Trombone Solo (_J140TBS) Demo
- Jazz Trio w/ Trumpet Solo (_J140TPS) Demo
- Evans Jazz Trio (_J140_BD) Demo
- Jazz Swing Combo (_J140_GB) Demo
- Cozy Swing Jazz Trio (_J140_JT) Demo
- Older Swing Jazz Band (_J140_OS) Demo
- Classy Jazz Quartet (_J140_T2) Demo
- Bebop Piano Trio w/ Brushes (_JAZBPBR) Demo
- Jazz Trio w/ Wes Comping (_JAZCMTR) Demo
- Jazz Fred w/ Piano (_JAZFRED) Demo
- Fast Jazz Trio w/ Half Time Bass (_JAZFSHQ) Demo
- Jazz Funk Groovin' (_JAZFUNK) Demo
- Smoky Nightclub Jazz (_JAZMDHQ) Demo
- Jazz Swing w/ Soloist Medley (_JAZMEDL) Demo
- Jazz Swing Trio w/ Half Time Bass (_JAZMFHQ) Demo
- Swingin' Bebop Trio (_JAZZBOP) Demo
- Jazz Swing Piano Trio (_JAZZSWP) Demo
- Jazz Swing w/ Alto Solo (_JAZZSWS) Demo
- Jazz Ballad w/ Piano (_JBALADP) Demo
- Jazz Freddie Slow (_JBALPFR) Demo
- Jazz Quartet Medium-Slow (_JFREDMD) Demo
- Jazz Piano Trio Simple (_JSIMPLE) Demo
- Jazz Swing w/ Electric Guitar (_JSWINGG) Demo
- Jazz Swing w/ Piano (_JSWINGP) Demo
- Jazz Funk w/ Horn Section (_JZFNKHS) Demo
- Slow Jazz w/ Bass & Piano (_LAZYJAZ) Demo
- Piano Trio Medium Slow (_LAZYJZM) Demo
- Medium-Slow Jazz w/ Soprano Solo (_LZJAZSS) Demo
- Smooth Jazz Cool Medium (_SJAZZC2) Demo
- Slow Jazz Ballad w/ Piano & Bass (_SLOWBAL) Demo
- Cuban Son Montuno Quintet (_SONMON2) Demo
- Son Montuno w/ Piano Comping (_SONMOPC) Demo
- Cuban Son Montuno Piano Trio (_SONTRIO) Demo
- Acid Jazz w/ Loops (_ACIDJAZ) Demo
- Crooner Big Band w/ 9-Part Horns (_CROONR1) Demo
- Crooner Big Band w/ Piano (_CROONR2) Demo
- Cocktail Jazz w Alto Solo (_PIMENTO) Demo
- Achieve Slow Pop w Tom Groove(_ACHIEVE)Demo
- Austere Alternative Hip Hop 8ths(_AUSTERE)Demo
- Basalt Modern Rock w Shaker(_BASALT)Demo
- Begonia Pop Rock w Held Piano(_BEGONIA)Demo
- Cheb 3-3-2- Klezmer with Footstomps(_CHEB)Demo
- Chimera Psychedelic Cloud Rap(_CHIMERA)Demo
- Cut Loose Amplitube Sw-16 Soul(_CUTAMP)Demo
- Cut Loose Funky Swing-16 Soul(_CUTLOOS)Demo
- Derange Sync Percussion Funk(_DERANGE)Demo
- Discotheque Funky Disco(_DISCO54)Demo
- Eastward Slow Americana El Piano(_EASTWRD)Demo
- Sw16 Funk with Amplitube Bass(_FUNKAMP)Demo
- Funky Blues w/ Organ(_FUNKBLS)Demo
- Funk Organ w/ Pulse Rhythm(_FUNKORG)Demo
- Swing 16ths Funk w/ Electric Piano(_FUNKS16)Demo
- Funk w/ Wah-Wah Guitars(_FUNKWAH)Demo
- Grass Pop with Guitars(_GRASPOP)Demo
- Hold Back Muted Alt Hip Hop(_HOLDBAK)Demo
- Honesty Alternative Hip Hop(_HONESTY)Demo
- In Ibiza Tropical House A-B(_INIBIZA)Demo
- Island Amplitube Soul(_ISLEAMP)Demo
- Jamming Cafe Reggae(_JAMMING)Demo
- Kladno Klezmer Footstomps(_KLADNO)Demo
- Modern Slap Funk(_MODSLAP)Demo
- Negril Light Reggae(_NEGRIL)Demo
- Novella Singer-Songwriter(_NOVELLA)Demo
- Novel Singer-Songwriter(_NOVEL)Demo
- Opava Klezmer 3-3-2(_OPAVA)Demo
- Osmium Hard Rock w Horns(_OSMIUM)Demo
- Out East Slow Americana Organ(_OUTEAST)Demo
- Pasture Blues with 16th Drums(_PASTURE)Demo
- Pilsen Klemer Polka(_PILSEN)Demo
- Poppy Blues Groove(_POPBLUE)Demo
- Slow Swing 16 Reggae(_REGGAS1)Demo
- Even 8ths Driving Rock 'RockBrit' w Aahs(_ROCKAAH)Demo
- Amplitube Bass Dreamy Soft Rock(_SOFTAMP)Demo
- Teplice Klezmer Polka Quartet(_TEPLICE)Demo
- Verano Syncopated Tropical House(_VERANO)Demo
- Wholly Gospel Pop(_WHOLLY)Demo
- Znjomo Klezmer Footstomp Trio(_ZNJOMO)Demo
- Praise & Worship Dreamy w/ Synth (_BELIEV2) Demo
- Praise & Worship Dreamy w/ Piano (_BELIEVE) Demo
- Fast Swing 8th Blues w/ Organ (_BLSHUFF) Demo
- Blues Shuffle Quintet Swing (_BLUESSH) Demo
- Blues Shuffle Tambourine (_BLUETAM) Demo
- British Blues Invasion Piano (_BRITJON) Demo
- Classic Rock n' Roll (_CLASROK) Demo
- Classic Roots Rock, Held Guitar (_CLROKHD) Demo
- Solo Acoustic Piano Ballad (_CPOPSAJ) Demo
- Slow Classic Rock w/ Held 12 String (_CROK12H) Demo
- Classic Rock w/ Held 12 String (_CROK12S) Demo
- Dreamy Pop Quintet (_DREAMYP) Demo
- Drum N Bass Loops, Electric Piano (_DRUMNBS) Demo
- Dubstep Loops w/ Piano RT (_DUBSTPP) Demo
- Amplitube Rock Electric Guitars (_ELECAMP) Demo
- Uplifting Rock 2 (_ELECROK) Demo
- Uplifting Rock w/ Tambourine (_ELECTAM) Demo
- Jazz Funk Groovin' w/ Synth Pad (_JZFNKSY) Demo
- Northern Rock Swing 8ths (_NRTRKSW) Demo
- Medium Pop Ballad w/ Dreamy Electric Guitar (_PBALADM) Demo
- Dreamy Guitar Pop Ballad (_POPBAL) Demo
- Dreamy Pop w/ Cowbell (60-170) (_POPCBEL) Demo
- Slow Guitar Ballad (_POPH085) Demo
- Shining Pop w/ Piano & Electric Guitars (_PSHINIG) Demo
- Shining Pop w/ Held Guitar (_PSHINIH) Demo
- Slow Swing 16 Reggae 2 (_REGGAS2) Demo
- Hard Rock Waltz 2 (_RKWALTZ) Demo
- Soul Loops, Jazz Funk Electric Guitar (_SOULOOP) Demo
- Bluesy Mid-Tempo Rock (_STZ_120) Demo
- British Invasion Medium (_SZHONK2) Demo
- Stonez Honky (_SZHONKY) Demo
- Texas Blues Rock Shuffle (_TBLZSHR) Demo
- Metal Chug (_THRASH1) Demo
- Trance Loops, Rock Electric Guitar (_TRNCROK) Demo
- Bollywood Beat (_BOLLYBT) Demo
- Chillout Reggae Fusion (_CHILOUT) Demo
- Electronic Chillout Pop (_CHILPOP) Demo
- Drum and Bass (_DRMNBAS) Demo
- Groovy Piano Pop (_GRVYPNO) Demo
- Funky Pop w/ Horns (_HORNPOP) Demo
- Pop Funk w/ Horns (_POPFUNK) Demo
- Dreamy Soft Rock (_SOFTROK) Demo
- Lite Pop w/ Songwriter Guitar (_LITEPOP) Demo
- Modern R&B/Reggae in Half Time (_REGGAEB) Demo
Band-in-a-Box® Pro RealTracks: Over 500 RealTracks instruments available.
"RealTracks" are individual instruments that can be used in the RealCombos listed above or in your own creative arrangements. They are recordings of real musicians that are rearranged to match your own composition!
Country RealTracks
- Banjo, Bluegrass Ev 130 (Rhythm)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ] - Banjo, Bluegrass Ev 130 (Soloist)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Scott Vestal ] - Bass, Acoustic, Bluegrass Ev 130
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ] - Bass, Acoustic, CountryWaltz Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ] - Bass, Electric, Country Ev 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ] - Bass, Electric, PopModernGrooveA-B Ev16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Young ] - Bass, Electric, PopModernGrooveHeld Ev16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Young ] - Bass, Electric, PopModernGrooveSync4s Ev16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Young ] - Drums, EthnicWaltz^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, NashBrushBalDbKEv16^
Demo [ Artist: Craig Scott ] - Drums, NashClassicWaltzSw^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, Nashville2Beat^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, Nashville2BeatSw8^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, NashvilleEven16^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, NashvilleEven8^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, NashvilleOutlaw^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, NashvillePop16^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, NashvilleSkip^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, NashvilleSouthern^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Drums, NashvilleSwing8^
Demo [ Artist: Brian Fullen ] - Fiddle, Background BluegrassWaltz Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Stuart Duncan ] - Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ] - Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 (Chops)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ] - Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130 (Shuffles)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Andy Leftwich ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BluegrassWaltz Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat McGrath ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Acoustic, HeldChords
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Bluegrass Ev 130
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Artist ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming BluegrassWaltz Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat McGrath ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Electric, HeldChords Gritty
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Waltz Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Waltz Sw 110 (A:held)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Waltz Sw 110 (B:arp)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountrySwingCleanA-B Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountrySwingCleanMuted Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountrySwingCleanStrum Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountrySwingGrittyA-B Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountrySwingGrittyHeld Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountrySwingGrittyStrum Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyA-B Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Bill Hullett ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyArp Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Bill Hullett ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryWaltzGrittyHeld Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Bill Hullett ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DrivingCountryBalladClean Ev 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DrivingCountryBalladClean Ev 065 (A:chop)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DrivingCountryBalladClean Ev 065 (B:held)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningGrittyA-B Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningGrittyMuted Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBrent Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ] - Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopModernGrooveGritty Ev16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Cleveland ] - Guitar, Resonator, Background Allis Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Wanda Vick ] - Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Ev 130
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: PG Artist ] - Pedal Steel, Background Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ] - Pedal Steel, Background Hank Sw 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Steve Hinson ] - Pedal Steel, Background ModernBalladAtmosphere Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eddy Dunlap ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryWaltz Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jeff Taylor ] - Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment CountryPopJohn Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ] - Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment CountrySwingJohn Sw 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ] - Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment CountrySwingJohn Sw 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ] - Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment CountryWaltzJohn Sw 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ] - Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment CountryWaltzJohn Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ]
Jazz RealTracks
- Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, GypsyJazzFast Sw 250
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Simon Planting ] - Bass, Acoustic, GypsyJazzFast Sw 250 ('A' Only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Simon Planting ] - Bass, Acoustic, GypsyJazzFast Sw 250 ('B' Only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Simon Planting ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:in-2)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (B:walking)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('2' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('4' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz BeBop Sw 190
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz BeBop Sw 190 (A:in-2)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz BeBop Sw 190 (B:walking)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Half Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Half Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Half Sw 190
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Quarter Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Quarter Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Quarter Sw 190
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Quarter,Quarter Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Quarter,Quarter Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Quarter,Quarter Sw 190
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 110 (A:in-2)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 110 (B:walking)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140 ('2' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Sw 140 ('4' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Neil Swainson ] - Bass, Baby, Guaracha32 Ev 180
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Abe Gumroyan ] - Bass, Baby, SonMontuno Ev 165
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Abe Gumroyan ] - Bass, Baby, SonMontunoPush Ev 165
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Abe Gumroyan ] - Bass, Electric, JazzFunkGroovin Ev16 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Alex Al ] - Bass, Electric, SmoothCool Sw16 100
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Vernon Barbary ] - Clarinet, Soloist Older Swing Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P.J. Perry ] - Drums, BossaBrushes
Demo [ Artist: Craig Scott ] - Drums, BossaBrushes#1
Demo [ Artist: Terry Clarke ] - Drums, BossaTerryClarke^
Demo [ Artist: Terry Clarke ] - Drums, Jazz#1
Demo [ Artist: Terry Clarke ] - Drums, JazzBrushes
Demo [ Artist: Craig Scott ] - Drums, JazzBrushes#1
Demo [ Artist: Terry Clarke ] - Drums, JazzBrushesSticks#1
Demo [ Artist: Terry Clarke ] - Drums, JazzFunkGroovin^
Demo [ Artist: Ricky Lawson ] - Drums, JazzTerryClarke^
Demo [ Artist: Terry Clarke ] - Drums, SalsaSonMontuno23^
Demo [ Artist: PG Artist 5 ] - Drums, SmoothJazzCoolSw16^
Demo [ Artist: Franklin (Third) Richardson ] - Drums, Tango
Demo [ Artist: Craig Scott ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm GypsyJazzFastGonzalo Sw 220
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gonzalo Bergara ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm GypsyJazzFastJohn Sw 250
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jorgenson ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Freddie Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Freddie Sw 140 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Freddie Sw 140 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzFreddie Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SonMontuno Ev 165
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ramon Stagnaro ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkGroovinChords Ev16 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael Thompson ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkGroovinMute Ev16 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Michael Thompson ] - Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm BossaGrooveComp Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Oliver Gannon ] - Horn Section, Background CroonerBigBand9-Part Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ] - Horn Section, Background, R&B Ev16 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jim Clark ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 140 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (A:simple)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 060 (B:energetic)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Sw 085 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz BeBop Sw 190
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz BeBop Sw 190 ('A' Only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz BeBop Sw 190 ('B' Only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 110 ('A' Only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 110 ('B' Only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 140 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SmoothJazzCool Sw16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SonMontuno Ev 165
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rebeca Mauleon ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SonMontunoComp Ev 165
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Rebeca Mauleon ] - Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkBreezy Ev16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ] - Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkGroovin Ev16 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ] - Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzRock Ev16 100
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzRockHeld Ev16 100
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothCool Dry Sw16 100
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ] - Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothCool Sw16 100
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jeff Lorber ] - Sax, Alto, Background JazzSwingJack Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ] - Sax, Alto, Bossa Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P.J. Perry ] - Sax, Alto, Older Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P.J. Perry ] - Sax, Alto, Soloist JazzBalladPhil Sw 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Phil Woods ] - Sax, Soprano, Soloist Jazz Swing Sw 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: P.J. Perry ] - Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Stafford ] - Synth, Rhythm JazzFunkPad Ev 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Miles Black ] - Tres, Rhythm SonMontuno Ev 165
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ramon Stagnaro ] - Trombone, Older Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ian McDougall ] - Trumpet, Older Sw 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Don Clark ]
Pop RealTracks
- Bass, Acoustic, CelticReel Ev16 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Trevor Hutchinson ] - Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ] - Bass, Electric, Blues Sw 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ] - Bass, Electric, BritInvasion Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Young ] - Bass, Electric, HardRockWaltz Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Young ] - Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ] - Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ] - Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dow Tomlin ] - Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Byron House ] - Bass, Electric, PopBelieve Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Hill ] - Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tobin Frank ] - Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tobin Frank ] - Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tobin Frank ] - Bass, Electric, PopShiningA-B Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Hill ] - Bass, Electric, PopShiningHeld Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Hill ] - Bass, Electric, PopShiningSync Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Hill ] - Bass, Electric, ReggaeSlow Sw 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Young ] - Bass, Electric, TexasBluesRockShuffle Sw 130
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Craig Young ] - Drums, BluesRockEv^
Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ] - Drums, BluesRockShuffle^
Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ] - Drums, BluesShuffleHard^
Demo [ Artist: PG Artist 4 ] - Drums, BodhranCelticReel^
Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ] - Drums, BrushesFolk16ths
Demo [ Artist: Vince Ditrich ] - Drums, PraiseWorshipShine^
Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ] - Drums, PraiseWorshipSlow16ths^
Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ] - Drums, ReggaeTambo^
Demo [ Artist: Shannon Forrest ] - Drums, RockBritDrivingEv16^
Demo [ Artist: Wayne Killius ] - Drums, RockClassicBritEv^
Demo [ Artist: Wayne Killius ] - Drums, RockEven16
Demo [ Artist: Craig Scott ] - Drums, RockEven8
Demo [ Artist: Craig Scott ] - Drums, RockHardModernEv8^
Demo [ Artist: Wayne Killius ] - Drums, RockModernRnB^
Demo [ Artist: Wayne Killius ] - Drums, RockModernWaltz^
Demo [ Artist: Wayne Killius ] - Drums, RockSoftEven8^
Demo [ Artist: Craig Scott ] - Drums, RockThrashHalfTimeEv16^
Demo [ Artist: Wayne Killius ] - Drums, SpoonsTradReelSlow
Demo [ Artist: Andrew Morris ] - Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, HeldChords
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat McGrath ] - Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm ClassicRockA-B Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat McGrath ] - Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm ClassicRockPicking Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat McGrath ] - Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm ClassicRockStrumming Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat McGrath ] - Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm RockWaltzA-B Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat McGrath ] - Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm RockWaltzPicking Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat McGrath ] - Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm RockWaltzStrumming Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Pat McGrath ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Hank Sw 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter16ths Ev16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter16thsHigh Ev16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Joe Robinson ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticReel Ev16 110
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Quinn Bachand ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120 (A:sync)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming AcRockBright Ev 120 (B:eighths)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tony King ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 190
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jason Roller ] - Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Tony King ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Sw 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120 (A:arp)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120 (B:heavy)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120 (A:muted)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120 (B:sust)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockLAFuzzyA-B Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockLAFuzzyHeld Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockLAFuzzySync Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085 (A:16ths)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085 (B:sync)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow Ev 085 (A:8ths)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrashHollow Ev 085 (B:sync)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockWaltzMutedA-B Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Matejka ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockWaltzMutedSteady Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Matejka ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockWaltzMutedSync Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Matejka ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockWaltzSustainA-B Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockWaltzSustainHeld Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockWaltzSustainStrummed Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopSwing16HighZane Sw16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Zane Carney ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NorthernRockFuzzyA-B Sw16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NorthernRockFuzzyQuarters Sw16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NorthernRockFuzzyStrum Sw16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NorthernRockGrittyA-B Sw16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Matejka ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NorthernRockGrittyQuarters Sw16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Matejka ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NorthernRockGrittyStrum Sw16 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mark Matejka ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120 (A:sync)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120 (B:8ths)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBelieveArp Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Cleveland ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBelieveHeld Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBelieveHeldDry Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningGritty Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningRock8ths Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Cleveland ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningRockA-B Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Cleveland ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningRockSync Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Dave Cleveland ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ReggaeSlow Sw 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Rock Southern Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Darin Favorite ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritDriving Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritDriving Ev 085 (A:arp)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritDriving Ev 085 (B:heavy)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sandy Williams ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085 (A:chords)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBritSoulful Ev 085 (B:arp)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Mike Durham ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 1 Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 1 Ev 120 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 1 Ev 120 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Audley Freed ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 2 Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 2 Ev 120 ('A' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm StoneZ Honky 2 Ev 120 ('B' only)
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Eric Borash ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockShuffleBrent Sw 130
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Brent Mason ] - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockShuffleSol Sw 130
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Sol Philcox ] - Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Muddy Sw 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Jack Pearson ] - Organ, B3, Background Blues Sw 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Chris Nole ] - Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ] - Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Gene Rabbai ] - Organ, B3, Rhythm ReggaeSlow Sw 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Blair Masters ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BritBluesInvasionJohn Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: John Jarvis ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopBelieve Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Blair Masters ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopShiningA-B Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Blair Masters ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopShiningHeld Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Blair Masters ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopShiningSync Ev 120
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Blair Masters ] - Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ReggaeSlow Sw 075
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Blair Masters ] - Synth Pad, PopBelieve Ev16 065
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Blair Masters ] - Synth, Rhythm BubblegumPopSynthPads Ev 140
Solo Demo | Band Demo [ Artist: Ed (Great Oz) Clare ]
MIDI Styles Sets 0-3 plus 100 assorted.
The Pro version includes over xxx MIDI styles total
- 113 Jazz (21 Ballads, 18 Bebop, 3 Big Band, 4 Dixieland, 14 Fusion, 10 Latin, 32 Modern, 2 Smooth Jazz, 64 Swing)
- 200 Rock / Pop (46 Ballads, 28 Blues, 25 British, 21 Country, 19 Dance, 13 Fusion, 20 Hard, 71 Pop, 71 Soft)
- 88 Country (22 Ballads, 6 Bluegrass, 37 Classic, 7 Folk, 34 Rock/Pop)
- 31 Blues
- 24 New Age / Soundtrack
- 3 Classical
- 22 Folk
- 34 Latin
- 9 Hip-Hop
- 27 Funk
- 6 Praise & Worship / Gospel
- 11 R & B / Soul
- 7 Techno
- 10 World / Ethnic
Tuote: 1092516